[. . . ] , 03257$17 <28 +$9( 12 &+$1&( 2) 23(5$7, 1* 7+, 6 81, 7 81/(66 <28 5()(5 72 7+, 6 %22. , Q SDUWLFXODU EHIRUH XVLQJ WKLV XQLW \RX 0867 FDUU\ RXW WKH , QVWDOODWLRQ DQG 5HJLVWUDWLRQ SURFHGXUHV 7KH HP#LOHU ZLOO QRW ZRUN XQWLO LQVWDOODWLRQ DQG UHJLVWUDWLRQ KDYH EHHQ FRPSOHWHG 7KH HP#LOHU LV GHVLJQHG IRU LQVWDOODWLRQ LQ 8. RQO\ 1RWH WKDW WKH XQLW ZLOO FHDVH WR RSHUDWH XQOHVV LW UHPDLQV FRQQHFWHG WR D 8. WHOHSKRQH H[FKDQJH 6HUYLFH +HOS If you have any problems concerning your r5vyr or the Amserve or Amsurf service, you can contact $PVHUYH 6XSSRUW on (the call charge is shown on the sticker in the handset position). [. . . ] During surfing, when you see the 'spinning' symbol at the bottom right of the display, this means that the e-m@iler is searching for a page. Wait for the symbol to disappear before continuing (also check that the word Complete is displayed at the bottom left). During surfing, do not pick up the telephone handset (or any extension phone) otherwise the surfing call will be disconnected. - 80 - Surfing the internet First time surfing FAST TRACK: Press INTERNET, select required option. 1. After a few seconds, the Amsurf menu will be displayed (right): You can press INTERNET whenever you need to return to the Amsurf menu. 2. Press 1 to go to the Amsurf home page. The e-m@iler will make a surfing call and go online. Once online, the e-m@iler will search the internet to find the required page. While searching, the screen may be blank, or the following display may appear for several seconds: Take note of the various messages and icons displayed at the bottom of the screen these indicate the following: Searching for requested page. Making a surfing call / going online to find requested page. Finding Dialling, please wait. . . Fetching 2:4 (for example) Found requested page; now collecting it to display. The two numbers show how many graphics within the requested page have been collected so far and how many elements there are in total. A progress bar may also be displayed, as well as the name of the site. Requested page should now be displayed correctly if not, see next page. Ending surfing call / going offline. Complete Error Exiting from Amsurf - 81 - Surfing the internet Online (surfing call in progress). Connection is secure (this appears during a transaction involving personal information such as credit card details). After a while, the required page will be found and displayed (see example right): You will see various underlined items on the page, for example News, Sport, etc. When you select one of these links, the e-m@iler will start searching the internet again until it finds the required page. & Note the Amsurf home page (shown above) will change from time to time as it is updated and improved. To select one of the links displayed, simply use SELECT to go to the page. UD to lhighlightl it, then press Some pages allow faster navigation by pressing a number key instead of using U D and SELECT. In this case the link will have an underlined number, for example l3l. Some links may be displayed simply as _ (without any text). Once a page is found and displayed, you can read and/or respond to it, or print it (information on page 89). Additionally, you can go to any new link displayed or you can go back to the previous page (described ahead). Alternatively, you can go to a new page by searching for its address (information on page 84), or go to a favourite page (information on page 88). Refreshing a page Certain pages are updated periodically (for example news and sports headlines, share prices, etc) note you can refresh the currently displayed page by pressing SYMBOL and N (for New). - 82 - Surfing the internet If a page doesn't display correctly Occasionally after a page is found, it may not be displayed properly if this happens, press SYMBOL and N to make a new attempt to display the page. [. . . ] Yes, the telephone line is used only while the game is being downloaded; not while it is being played. 26. Some touch-tone phones take longer to register the digits you're keying-in. When you're dialling your remote access code, press the number keys firmly, taking a second for each digit. Note you must enter the whole code before your outgoing message has finished. [. . . ]